Contains 38% of protein derived from the highest quality protein ingredients: soybean meal, rapeseed meal, sunflower meal. Furthermore, the formula has been enriched with nitrogen, necessary when using feed based on a large share of maize silage, pickled grain, or beet pulp. Positively affects the improvement of efficiency and milk parameters. High levels of vitamins as well as micro- and macronutrients significantly improve the health and immunity of animals.
Benefits for the breeder
proprietary blend without any other protein additives,
improves feed conversion,
has a positive effect on high and economic milk yield,
provides the right vitamin and mineral balance.
Benefits for the animal
has a positive effect on digestive processes,
stabilizes fermentation processes in the rumen,
replenishes intestinal protein and rumen microorganisms,
greatly increases efficiency and milk parameters,
improves fertility parameters and animal health and immunity.
for dairy cows
0.5 to 3 kg/piece/day.
To make a ready concentrate blend with a share of 20-25% of the concentrate.