
About the Company

Contact data

We are a Polish family business that has been operating since 1989.
EKOPLON is a leading provider of comprehensive solutions for agricultural production in farm animal nutrition and foliar fertilizers.
2019 We have been with you for 30 years! Thank you!
2018 Commissioning of the R&D center at the chicken broiler farms in Potok.
2016 Transformation of a Joint-stock company into a limited partnership. Commissioning of the first broiler fattening farm in Potok.
2015 Commissioning of a new feed production plant with a modern laboratory.
2011 Purchase of a feed production plant in Baborów.
2007 Commissioning of the first feed and concentrate factory. Start of production of complete feed.
2006 Construction and commissioning of a high-bay warehouse for finished products.
2000 The company's seat is moved to Grabki Duże.
1997 Completion of the next stage of the plant modernization and transfer of the production of animal nutrition to Grabki Duże.
1994 Purchase of a production facility and transfer of fertilizer production from Kielce to Grabki Duże.
1992 Commencement of the production of EKOMIX mineral and vitamin blends.
1990 Dr. Stefan Sajkiewicz. joins the group of owners.
1989 Relocation of the company to Kielce and transformation into a joint-stock company.
1988 Establishment of the company as a civil partnership by Prof. J. Sajkieiwcz and Z. Kręt in Błędów near Grójec. Establishment of EKOLIST fertilizer brand.
EKOPLON is a leading provider of comprehensive solutions for agricultural production in farm animal nutrition and foliar fertilizers.
Icon2 During its thirty years of existence, EKOPLON has created one of the most modern production plants with cutting-edge technologies and management systems as well as competent and committed teams, making the highest quality products used and appreciated by a wide range of food producers.

Our modern research laboratories, the specialists employed in them, and the implemented control procedures guarantee repeatable products of the highest quality that meet the expectations of the most demanding consumers.

Our experts, who care about the constant development of the product offer, monitor the changing needs of consumers, constantly improve the existing offer and introduce new solutions expected by the market.

At our Broiler Institute, which tests new feeding programs, we test each new program in strict and farm research before it is introduced to the market.


Icon2 Our products, as well as raw materials used for production, are completely safe and meet the highest standards applicable in the European Union.

The high quality of our products is confirmed by their compliance with the requirements of the Quality Management System, as confirmed by the obtained Certificates: ISO 22 000:2005, GMP+B1, GMP+MI105 Controlled and PIM.


Icon3 EKOPLON is environmentally friendly.

Our products are environmentally friendly. We adapt our production and organizational processes and technologies to the highest standards and requirements of nature protection. We actively engage our social and business partners to work for the common good that is our natural environment.

Please, feel free to read our offer. Our advisers are also at your disposal.


Ekoplon in numbers
350 employees
1600 clients
300000 tons of goods manufactured
260000 tons of raw materials purchased
mission and vision
The meaning of EKOPLON's name is closely related to the company's mission and vision.
The EKOPLON logo has not changed throughout the years of the company's existence. The 1988 version of the logo is still a recognizable and lasting symbol of EKOPLON's activities.

The prefix EKO is of Greek origin (Greek: oíkos = 'house, farm'), it is assumed to be related to farming (short for economic) and the natural environment, our surroundings and their influence on the quality of life and development. The word PLON (Eng. 'yield') has a broader meaning than agricultural. The synonyms of this word include a boon, advantage, work result, benefit for our company, which we can call: PROFIT - for the company and the environment that the company influences.



Mission Mission

We develop domestic agriculture with care for people and the environment.

Vision Vision

We want to be the most valued company producing animal nutrition and fertilizers in Poland.

Management Board
Stefan Sajkiewicz
Stefan Sajkiewicz
Company owner
Katarzyna Głowacka
Katarzyna Głowacka
Chief Financial Officer
Our Brands