Commercial LAYING HENS
 Commercial LAYING HENS
Commercial LAYING HENS EFFECT + and BENEFIT program for laying hens

EFFECT+ and BENEFIT program provides:

high digestibility of ingredients,

feed ideally suited to the age and the egg-laying period,

high health of feeding,

minimized nutrition costs,



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Recent nutritional studies show that high levels of total protein do not affect the productivity of chickens, and may cause additional threats from gastrointestinal dysbacteriosis after deteriorating the microclimate in the facility. Moreover, excess protein in the form of nitrogen compounds is not used by chickens and goes to the bedding, and the goal of egg production is to obtain high-quality eggs, not great fertilizer. In order to reduce nitrogen emissions and losses caused by the introduction of high levels of poorly digestible total protein, our formulas are balanced based on digestible amino acids.

EFFECT + Program

The EFFECT+ program assumes four stages in the rearing of a flock of commercial laying hens, from the chick to the beginning of laying at 2%. The proportion of individual components in the feed changes with age until full preparedness for laying.


Ensures high digestibility of ingredients contained in raw materials thanks to the appropriate composition of feed enzymes. Reduces feeding costs and nitrogen emissions through an optimally balanced dietary protein, high intestinal health, and minimizes the problems associated with cannibalism and pterophagy in laying flocks. Excellent shell quality thanks to the diversified form of calcium with continuous bioavailability.

BENEFIT NIOSKA 3, form: coarsely ground

Product features
High digestibility of ingredients
Feed ideally suited to age and the egg-laying period
High health of feeding
Minimized nutrition costs
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