Product specially designed for young calves aged 8 days. One dose of SuperVigorCalf includes the content of one 20 ml syringe.
Zootechnical benefits:
a complete dose of easily digestible chelated oligo-elements,
strengthening and growth-stimulating effect,
provides energy and vitamins.
When to apply:
when the calves' growth needs to be promoted,
when immunity decreases,
when there is a need to support metabolic functions.
the product specially designed for young calves aged 8 days.
Application: One dose of SuperVigorCalf includes the content of one 20 ml syringe.
Administer 1 syringe (20 ml) orally at 8 days of age. Prior to using SuperVigorCalf or before deciding to extend use or in order to make such a decision, consult a nutritional expert (or nutritionist) or veterinarian.
Safety note: do not administer together with products containing vitamin D2.
syringe 15 ml / bulk packaging 12 pcs - 0.180 kg.