MAXIMUS Platinum extra P
MAXIMUS Platinum extra P
MAXIMUS Platinum extra P MAXIMUS Platinum extra P® (12+50+6) is a multi-component fertilizer with a very high phosphorus content.

The product is recommended primarily in the cultivation of maize and fruit plants, but also wherever there are high phosphorus needs or problems with the uptake of this ingredient. In foliar uptake treatments, it is worth combining the fertilizer with products from the MAXIMUS AminoMicro series to provide comprehensive nutrition with all nutrients and eliminate their potential deficits.

Recommendations: early development stages of agricultural plants and the period of fruit ripening (improvement in color).


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  • 5 kg
  • 15 kg
N P2O5 K2O MgO SO3 B Cu Fe Mn Mo Zn
%m/m 12 50 6 0,6 1,2 0,05 0,06 0,11 0,01 0,001 0,04
g/kg 120 500 60 6 12 0,5 0,6 1,1 0,1 0,01 0,4
Improved development of the root system
More intensive plant development
Better production results, in terms of both quantity and quality

lower response to drought stress,

improved development of the root system,

more intensive plant development,

better production results, in terms of both quantity and quality,


obtaining very good phosphorus nutrition,

affects the structure and expansion of the root system, increasing the possibility of collecting food and water from the soil (indirect influence on the use of ingredients and yield),

improves the color of fruit in the cultivation of fruit trees (particularly in the case of varieties with "blush").



Please click on the desired crop to go to the cultivation tab and learn about fertilization technologies.

Crop Crop phenological stages Dose rate (kg/ha)
Cereals BBCH 21 Beginning of tillering: first tiller detectable 3-5
BBCH 31 First node at least 1 cm above tillering node 4-5
BBCH 47 Flag leaf sheath opening 3-5
Rapeseed BBCH 16 - 18 6 - 8 leaves unfolded 3-5
BBCH 30 From beginning of stem elongation: no internodes (“rosette”) 3-5
Sugar beet BBCH 14 - 16 4 - 6 leaves (2nd - 3rd pair of leaves) unfolded 3-5
BBCH 19 9 or more leaves unfolded 4-5
Potato BBCH 23 3rd basal side shoot visible (> 5 cm) 3-5
BBCH 60 First open flowers in population 3-5
Maize BBCH 13 - 15 3 - 5 leaves unfolded 3-5
BBCH 18 - 19 8 or more leaves unfolded 3-5
Legumes BBCH 16 - 18 6 - 8 leaves unfolded 4-5
Strawberry From BBCH 69 End of flowering: all petals fallen 2 consecutive treatments with intervals of 7-10 days 3-5
Orchards and fruiting
BBCH 69 End of flowering: all petals fallen 2-4
BBCH 81 - 85 From beginning of ripening: first appearance of cultivar-specific colour to advanced ripening: increase in intensity of cultivar-specific
colour – 3 treatments with intervals of 7 - 10 days
Open field grown vegetables 3 weeks after seedlings planting, 2 consecutive treatments with intervals of 10 - 14 days 3-4

Watering every 7-10 days from the beginning of September with the solution: 30 g of fertiliser per 10 L of water: 3 - 4 treatments

Spray solution volume: field crops 200 – 300 L/ha, vegetables and small fruits 500 L/ha, orchards 200 – 1000 L/ha according to sprayer type used, extensive farming 300 L/100 m2.

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