MAXIMUS AminoMicro Cereals
MAXIMUS AminoMicro Cereals
MAXIMUS AminoMicro Cereals Crystalline fertilizer with glycine-complexed micronutrients for use in winter and spring cereals.

The fertilizer can also be successfully used in the cultivation of other plant species in critical stages.
Product with increased content of key ingredients for cereal plants: copper and manganese, which protect plant cells against diseases and the harmful effects of stress (sun, fungi, insects). The amino acid it contains has both nutritional and stimulating effects on plants. Using the fertilizer in the early stages of development affects the amount of the crop, and in later stages - its quality, i.e. it provides better quality parameters of the grain (protein, gluten content). The MPC2 formula significantly improves plant resistance and stimulates proper growth, thus ensuring high quality of the yield obtained.
The product can be successfully mixed with other fertilizers and plant protection products.

The total amount of micronutrients in MAXIMUS AminoMicro Cereals fertilizer is 133.8 g per 1 kg.

Recommendations: full effectiveness of micronutrient nutrition is achieved when using the fertilizer two or three times (one treatment in autumn and two in spring for winter cereals, two for spring cereals).


N P2O5 K2O MgO SO3 B Cu Fe Mn Mo Zn
%m/m 11 - 7 - - 0,34 5,0 2,0 4,0 0,04 2,0
g/kg 110 - 70 - - 3,4 50 20 40 0,4 20
Provides better quality parameters of the grain (protein, gluten content)
Increases the plants' resistance to biotic and abiotic stress
Increases the number of fully set ears

increases the number of fully set ears,

improved resistance to fungal diseases and stress,

provides better caryopsis development,

provides better quality parameters of the grain (protein, gluten content),

supplements even hidden micronutrient deficiencies,

has a positive effect on the quantity and quality of crops,

increases the plants' resistance to biotic and abiotic stress,

the contained amino acid nourishes and stimulates the plants.




Please click on the desired crop to go to the cultivation tab and learn about fertilization technologies.


Crop Crop phenological stages Dose rate (kg/ha)
Cereals BBCH 21 Beginning of tillering: first tiller detectable 0.5-1.0
BBCH 31 - 49 From the first node at least 1 cm above tillering node to first awns visible (in awned forms only) 0.5 - 1.0

Fodder grasses

(seed plantations)

BBCH 21 Beginning of tillering: first tiller detectable 0.5 - 1.0
BBCH 31 First node at least 1 cm above tillering node

Fodder grasses

(utility plantations)

meadows and pastures

BBCH 30 Beginning of stem elongation
After each mowing or grazing – 1 - 2 treatments with an interval of 7 days
Other   The fertilizer can be used in the cultivation of other plant species in critical growth stages 1.0-1.5

Additional applications especially recommended when deficiencies occur, when environmental conditions limit the uptake of nutrients by roots or when plants are recovering from abiotic stresses: drought, low temperatures, heat. Recommended dose rate: 0.5 - 0.8 kg/ha, application every 7 - 10 days.

Spray solution volume: field crops 200 – 300 L/ha, vegetables and small fruits 500 L/ha, orchards 200 – 1000 L/ha according to sprayer type, extensive farming 2 L/100 m2.

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