MAIZE forte
MAIZE forte
MAIZE forte Comprehensive, crystalline foliar fertilizer for use in maize cultivation.

The fertilizer is characterized by an increased content of boron and zinc - the key ingredients for the proper growth and development of maize.
The addition of Amino and Antistress complexes increases the plants' resistance to unfavorable environmental conditions, allowing for better use of the crops' yield potential. Perfectly miscible with boric and zinc fertilizers recommended for use in the same timeframes (Boron Forte, EKOLIST mono Boron, EKOLIST mono Zinc).

Recommendations: two treatments during the growing season of maize (3 - 5 leaves, 8 - 10 leaves in maize).


N P2O5 K2O MgO SO3 B Cu Fe Mn Mo Zn
%m/m 5 20 15 4,2 22 1,5 0,007 0,105 0,013 0,001 1,5
g/kg 50 200 150 42 220 15 0,07 1,05 0,13 0,01 15
High concentration of ingredients - low dosage, high efficiency
Increased zinc content ensures better nitrogen conversion and stimulates plant growth (zinc is a precursor of auxins)
The Antistress complex increases the plant's resistance to stress

high efficiency of foliar and mineral fertilization,

no disturbances in the course of the plant's physiological processes,

use of the plant's yield potential,

the high concentration of ingredients - low dosage, high efficiency,


increased boron content improves the efficiency of generative processes (pollination and fertilization),

increased zinc content ensures better nitrogen conversion and stimulates plant growth (zinc is a precursor of auxins),

the Antistress complex increases the plant's resistance to stress,

the Amino complex increases the effectiveness of the ingredients used.



Please click on the desired crop to go to the cultivation tab and learn about fertilization technologies.


Crop Crop phenological stages Dose rate (kg/ha)
Maize BBCH 13 - 15 3 - 5 leaves unfolded 2-3
BBCH 18 - 19 8 or more leaves unfolded 2-3

Spray solution volume: 200 – 300 L/ha.

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