Ekomix CO
Ekomix CO
Ekomix CO A mixture of minerals and vitamins necessary for rational nutrition of calves and growing fattening cattle

A mixture of minerals and vitamins necessary for rational nutrition of calves and growing fattening cattle. It perfectly supplements farm fodder with minerals and vitamins necessary for proper growth and development. It regulates the microflora in the intestines and stimulates the activity of digestive enzymes, increases feed conversion and animal growth. A special flavor and aroma additive makes the mixture eagerly consumed by animals.

Product features
Dodatek smakowo-zapachowy
Specjalny skład
Cholina, Biotyna, Witamina C

Benefits for the breeder

It stimulates the immunity and health of the calves,

provides higher digestibility of nutrients,

influences the proper growth and development of calves.

Benefits for the animal

stimulates digestive enzymes,

influences the proper development of the skeleton,

fully covers the needs of young ruminants in terms of minerals and vitamins,

economical application

very eagerly taken in by animals.



 calves and growing fattening cattle


calves 20-40 g / head / day

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