
Cold spells - how to protect plants?

In Poland, spring cold spells are a common phenomenon; they occur at the end of April and in early May, during the so-called "Ice Saints". A cold spell is a drop in air temperature below the freezing point of water, i.e. below 0°C. The temperature drops from -1°C to -8°C may damage flower buds, flowers, or fruit buds in fruit trees and shrubs. Late spring frosts also often cause large losses in the cultivation of winter rape, cereals and field cultivation of vegetables.

The direct factor damaging plant tissues are ice crystals, which form in the intercellular spaces and in the cell itself. The reason for ice crystals to appear is the low content of osmotic compounds, which lower the freezing point of water in natural conditions. By absorbing water, growing crystals lead to dehydration of the cell, which causes multidirectional changes, e.g. destruction of cell membranes. Frost damage is characterized by mosaicism, which means that not all tissue cells are equally damaged by frost. The less damaged ones have a chance to regenerate if such cells have nutrients to use that help to rebuild and heal the resulting damage.

There are several methods of preventing frost damage available. Active methods are most often used immediately before or during the temperature threatening the cultivation. Our activities usually focus on heating up a given area, covering plants and using appropriate formulas to protect against the negative effects of frosts.

EKOPLON's offer includes a liquid fertilizer limiting the negative impact of cold spells on plants, called: ICE Protect.


Why is it worth choosing this product?

 Increases the resistance of plants
to periodic temperature
drops in the spring.

Prevents frost damage
to flower buds and flowers.

It prevents
the formation of ice crystals
in plant cells.

It lowers
the freezing point
of cell juices.


Apart from potassium, phosphorus, boron, zinc and iron, this fertilizer includes mannitol.

The structure of mannitol


It is one of the isomeric hexahydroxyl alcohols, which has a very positive effect on the uptake and transport of nutrients in the plant. Mannitol is an osmotically active substance. Prevents the formation of ice crystals in plant cells (prevents their damage).

ICE Protect

This fertilizer should be applied twice at a dose of 5 l/ha.
The first treatment is 2-3 days before the expected frost.
The second treatment is approximately 12 hours before the expected frost.


 Top line: damaged flowers / buds. The bottom line: healthy flowers / buds.
Topline: damaged flowers/buds.
The bottom line: healthy flowers/buds.




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